Fake Plants For Living Room

Fake Plants For Living Room

Fake plants for living room into one trend that more and more interested in designing a room look more beautiful and comfortable. One to beautify the room that is to put ornamental plants. But sometimes the bustle you create do not have to take care of ornamental plants. Then how is the solution in order to remain pretty room with ornamental plants without the need to take care of him? The answer is with artificial plants. Imitation or artificial plants nowadays are already very advanced because its shape is very similar to the original plant. In order to get a more natural atmosphere in the presence of fake plants for living room. We could add pots and a set of leaves to suit the mood of the living room.

Fake Plants For Living Room

The flowers are often used as decorations in the room. But the beauty of genuine interest cannot survive long, should be replaced in the next few days because the original easy flowers wither if stored indoors. Not to mention a fairly intense treatment, every day you have to replace the water in the vase so the flowers can always appear fresh. Because it is not so efficient, many are choosing decorative fake flowers as decoration flower original replacements.

Ornamental flower fake obviously more practical because it will never wither and does not require special care. Although flowers, decorative fake do not have the same charm with genuine interest. Even the color of the ornamental floral Sham often looks tacky, so instead of beautifying the room, but instead ruin the look of the room. Therefore needed special tricks in order to make a fake ornamental flower decor could have a charm like the original ornamental flowers. How do you do? Just know the trick below:

1. Floral decorative fake vertically

One of the unique creations of ornamental flowers, fake is to make it as decorative wall hangings. Decorative flowers can be used to create fake ornament hanging above the bed. With link joint elements vertically foliage and tree trunks, so the natural impression felt. 

Floral decorative fake vertically can also be done with a lot of variety. Fake flowers wrapped in a ladder-shaped hanger. This would give the fake impression of ornamental flowers is considered the plant vines. Adjust the types of flowers with the flower you are planting on the home page so that customers who came to the House that this interest is genuine.

2. Water Media on a fake flower vase

To display the natural impression of ornamental flowers is fake, you have to combine that with the natural elements. One way is to put a fake ornamental flower in a vase of water. The existence of natural elements such as water, ornamental flowers any fake, so fresh like flowers appear more genuine. Setup fake ornamental flowers like this could be arranged creatively, like the roses that look floating in the bowl. Such a Setup is suitable as decoration centerpiece that is placed in the middle of the table.

3. Use organic vase

Because the fake flower ornamental won't wilt or die, then extended this interest can be placed in any medium. Vase of flowers with a unique design you can also select fake ornamental flowers in order to make it look more interesting. If you want to display the natural impression on fake ornamental flowers, try using a flower vase made of natural materials, such as straw or rattan webbing pouch. Fill the vase with the ground so it looks like planting directly.

4. Add the native flowers

As with floral vases containing water, ornamental flower arranging fake along with the original ornamental flower making fake ornamental flowers look as natural as the original ornamental flowers. Although it is by structuring it like this, you need to balance the number of ornamental flowers fake from the original. This kind of flower arrangement is suitable to be applied as decoration of the dining room.

5. Always clean the ornamental floral Sham

That becomes a problem when you design a House with fake flowers is a fake ornamental flower easily once exposed to dust. When dust is visible on the surface of fake flowers stuck, try natural impression shown any wear off. To that end, put a fake ornamental flower far from the place of entry of dust, such as a window, and clean regularly.

With the right setup decorative, fake flower arrangements also can display the aesthetics and freshness that are similar to the original ornamental flower arrangements. Interested to try it. The article about Fake Plants For Living Room that I can tell. Maybe useful to readers who want to change the living room to make it more lively and not monotonous.

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