What Type Of Paint To Use In Bathroom

What Type Of Paint To Use In Bathroom
What Type Of Paint To Use In Bathroom? Becomes an interesting debate that sometimes has to be solved with various considerations. Just like the bedroom, the bathroom should also be a place full of tranquility. For most busy people, spending time in the bathroom is the most tranquil and fun thing to do. Coloring the bathroom wall with pleasant colors should also be cultivated.

What Type Of Paint To Use In Bathroom

When you choose a color for your bathroom wall, then think about the people who will use the bathroom. What are the basic elements of their birth (fire? water? Ground? Wood? Or metal?). Be sure to choose colors that can improve the quality of their elements. It should also be remembered that bathing is an activity related to the Ying element, and choose the color that best fits the Ying element. The last part of the bathroom arrangement is to reduce the negative effects/energies of the toilet area by adding one of the colors included in the soil elements, such as yellow, orange or brown.

Believe it or not, many people use Feng Shui science when going to decorate his house. Whether it's designing the inside and outside of the house. One of them is not separated from the principle of Feng Shui is the selection of paint color home. For example, the color of the paint for the bathroom should be what? What is the comfortable bedroom color what? According to Feng Shui all that there are guidelines that must be understood.

Meaning Of Color According To Feng Shui

Fengshui uses the principle that comes from China wherein designing the home should look for a balance between energy in the house. Selection The right paint color of the house can affect the balance of Yan and Yan as well as the flow of homeowners chi. Fengshui is based on a balance of 5 elements of nature including wood, metal, fire, water, and soil. The use of color techniques that match the balance of Fengshui hence a harmonious and positive environment will be created at your home.

The selection of colors for outdoor and indoor is of course different. If the outdoor part is always exposed to sunlight then orange and brown color a lot of choices. The inside of the house such as walls and floors require bright colors so that the bright effect will appear so that the house looks more spacious. But avoid the use of dominant colors because the selection of excessive colors can cause negative effects. Like a house full of red instead of raising the spirit but inclined to create the impression of anger. This is where the importance of recognizing the characteristics of each - according to Fengshui color.

Red Color Meaning In Feng Shui - Red is the color that stimulates the dominant atmosphere. The red color will give the impression enlarge the appearance of an object, but instead, reduce the size of space. This color should be used in the dining room, child's bedroom, kitchen or workplace. According to Fengshui, the red color will positively produce warmth and richness because the red color symbolizes the element of fire. But the negative side of red color reflects anger, shame, and hatred.

PinkColor Meaning In Feng Shui - For you Pink lover, you can be associated with purity and full of romantic atmosphere. Pink is suitable for the bedroom, less suitable for bathroom or kitchen. On the positive side, this color symbolizes excitement and romance because it also includes the element of fire. This color also has no side effects.

Purple Color Meaning Feng Shui - As for purple lover, this color is an impressive and spiritual color. Purple can be worn in the bedroom or meditation room. Preferably, this color is not used in the kitchen or bathroom. It is said that this color, usually increases passion, energetic and motivating. But the negative effect of this color can symbolize sadness and stress. This color element is also included in the fire element.

Meaning Color Blue Feng ShuiIf you like blue. These are the traits. Blue is always associated with spirituality, peace, mystery, patience, and contemplation. Blue color suitable for a sleeping room, therapy room, and meditation room. Should not be used for dining room or workspace. The positive effect of blue is to create self-confidence and mental stability. But the negative effects that may be generated are melancholy and a sense of suspicion. The blue color element is water.

Green Color Meaning In Feng Shui - Green is a symbol of growth, fertility, and harmony. The green color is refreshing and soothing. Green suitable for bathroom, therapy room and conservatory. Green should not be used in living rooms, playrooms or study rooms. The positive effect is optimism, freedom, and balance. While the counter effects are causing hostility and cheating. The element is wood.

Meaning Color Yellow Feng Shui - The yellow color is associated with enlightenment. Yellow helps digestion and stimulates the mind. Yellow is suitable for alley/corridor and kitchen. Yellow should not be used for bathroom or meditation room. The positive effect is to grow optimism, reason, and firmness. Medium counter effects cause people to be so, stiff, excessive.

Orange Color Meaning Feng Shui - Orange is the color of excitement and strong in encouraging communication. Orange can be worn in bedrooms, dining rooms, and corridors. Orange should not be worn in bedrooms and small rooms. Positive effects can improve concentration and intellectual. Negative effects cause a sense of rebellion. Elemental land.

Chocolate Color Meaning Feng Shui - Chocolate is a color associated with stability and elegance. Chocolate can be used in the study room. Should not be worn in the bedroom. The positive effect, giving a sense of security and elegance. Cons effect seems dirty, cause depression and old impression. The element is ground.

White Color Meaning Feng Shui - White symbolizes new beginnings and purity. White can be worn in the bedroom and kitchen. White should not be used in the dining room and child's bedroom. The effect of the room looks clean and fresh. The counter effects are cold, like no life, flat. The element of metal.

Black Color Meaning Feng Shui - Black is an independent and mysterious color. The black color is often used in teenagers' room. The black color should not be worn in the child's bedroom. The effect has an interesting power, but its counter effects symbolize death and darkness. Elementary water.

By choosing a paint color that matches the rules of Feng Shui for the walls in your room, you and your whole family will find a condition where you will sleep better, enjoy the bath or soak in your bathroom, the frequency of the dinner activities together becomes more often occurs, and family relationships are increasingly harmonious with each other.

Similarly, sharing about What Type Of Paint To Use In Bathroom that I can convey. Hopefully useful and provide new information for you in understanding the meaning of a color. The meaning of these colors can you apply not only to the bathroom but also you can apply to other rooms in your home. The meaning of color in this Fengshui should not be made as a standard of truth. It is part of the science that developed in eastern culture especially in China. At least we understand the meaning of every color we encounter every day either the meaning of color from the eastern and western views.

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